
Quotation request

Quotation request


GAF formalin-free histological fixative in pre-filled vial single use 25 ml.
Each case contains 40 vials, 25ml.

GAF Fixative solution

GAF is a non-volatile nor cancerogenic histological fixative solution with equivalent efficacy to Formalin, responding to the need to protect the health of workers involved within the utilization process and, at the same time, the health of patients.

Substitution of Formalin (a toxic and carcinogenic agent) is recommended for health and environmental reasons and now requested by EU Regulations.

GAF represents a safe histological fixative providing results as good or better than Formalin, as proved by histological, immunohistochemical and molecular analyses.

To request a quote or get information on specific product quantity and packaging requirements, please contact the Sales Department at +39 320 1480973 or by filling out the following form:


    ADDAX Biosciences was born as a spin off of the University of Turin, which contribuited with support to the research activity.

    bandiera unione europea

    Our company has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 8157692.

    The project “GAF – Towards a hospital without Formalin” is realized thanks to the co-financing of POR FESR Piemonte 2014-2020, Ob.1 – “Research, technological development and innovation, I.1.b.4.1 “Support for creation and consolidation of innovative start-ups with a high intensity of application and knowledge and research spin-off initiatives”.

    The project aims to validate, produce and market GAF, a histological fixative without carcinogenicity, that works as a substitute to Formalin. Achieving the project’s objectives will improve the working conditions of health and research professionals, protecting them from the risk of developing occupational diseases caused by inhaling Formalin vapours.